Amber Thrane

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at home: our homeschool journey begins!!

Things have been crazy around here with so many potential changes coming down the line for the Thrane fam. I know so many families are in the same boat with having to decide what to do with schooling this year, but we ultimately decided to skip distance screen-based learning and I am going to be embarking on my first time homeschooling with all three of my kiddos!! So i will be taking on a few less clients and dedicating my time to creating a fun, experience-based learning set-up with the kids! We decided to use Master Books as our curriculum through recommendation from a few friends and I’m going to be teaching both my 5th grader and 2nd grader the same History and Science curriculum with different fun experiences targeted for the their different grade levels and then I’ll be doing a one on one Reading and Math Curriculum for each of them so I will only be teaching 4 core subjects at a time and then rotating through extra activities like music (piano and theory with me and guitar with my husband), art and design, woodworking with my husband, and gardening etc. Because Crosley our youngest kiddo (he will be 3 on sept 5th) will most likely want to be involved I bought him a kindergarten curriculum and will be just going over his letters, letter sounds, numbers and colors/shapes so he feels included in the school time. We have a few friends who decided to take the homeschooling route too this year so I’m hoping to plan a group fun activity once a month to get all the kids out and about and hanging out with their friends! I’m hoping we can create a fun, flexible homeschool situation that can easily be taken on the road too if we decide to travel for a bit as well… I’m excited about the flexibility that hopefully this will allow our fam actually!

I made a homeschool Amazon List for those that will be homeschooling this year as well and I’m hoping to turn a little corner of the kids room into a zen homeschool situation so I’ve been pinning away on ideas and I think i came up with a good organizational flow that I’m sure i’ll be adapting as the school year goes on! So click here to shop that if you’re interested!

I’ve also been creating my own school planners and report cards because how else am I supposed to curb all this nervous energy right? Here is my report cards i’ll be using and you can click to download here if you want to use and print off for your own use too. Let me know if you guys like this sort of thing and i can include more of the little random things i create to make our homeschool cute and fun!

Click Here to Download the Report Card

Feel free to send me over tips and tricks, I’ll be updated here fun resources i find and things i learn along the way but I know there are tons of people that are seasoned pros at homeschooling so feel free to send me over anyone you know and love too!