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Making everyday life a little more beautiful.

i’m amber thrane: wife to a living ray-of-sunshine and mother to three kids marley, lennix and crosley. we USE our blog, video series, and instagram account to share tips and ideas geared towards helping individuals and families live creative, joy-filled lives.



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photographer, content creator, wife, mother, lover of all things design

I grew up in a small mountain town: climbing trees and exploring miles of forest every day, searching for treasures to bring back to the imaginary guests in my treehouse.  I guess you could say not much has really changed over the years: I’ve never lost that love of exploring and it still brings me joy to make my house a home (although i do still miss my treehouse version). my husband and I own a little fixer-upper-house in Southern California and spend our days crafting, traveling and building with our three kids: Marley, lennix and crosley. we work too often most days, stay up way too late and play a little too hard but we love this crazy life of ours. I love seeing people light up when they talk about what they LOVE and hearing about what makes them come alive and For me, ALIVE is when I have freedom to imagine, create, play, shift, change and push myself to grow mentally and spiritually. 


Our kids are in all different phases of life right now: learning multiplication and losing teeth and forming strong opinions and entering “the terrible twos” and we are always rushing to arrive at school on time and spending too much time on screens and deeply craving time together. All the “busy-ness” has the ability to consume any shred of creativity or sense of connection lurking beneath. so I always try to live by this one simple and generous rule of life: whatever you practice, you will improve at. this platform is our way of putting into practice that intentional, quality-time together: playing, crafting, traveling, building, and creating together as a family and hopefully inspiring others to do the same. These practices are like an exhale for all of us: forcing us to embrace the healing powers of “play” and all its childlike, life-infusing magic. Life moves faster than we think, so I want to fight to take notice and stay present, because it’s worth remembering. 

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